Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week 2

Two weeks have passed since the MicroAquarium was created. A lot of changes have taken place in the newly created atmosphere, much more movement was present. Some of the organisms that were detected this week differed from the previous week. Instead of spotting the Cyclops, a Nematode was observed and taken note of; it was shaped much like a worm and spiraled from left to right. Also, an organism closely related to the Tachysoma, was the Euplotes. The cilia fibrils curved along it's side and down through the middle of the back. The shape of the Euplote was much more circular than the Tachysoma. When observing the aquarium, the amount of Tachysoma drastically increased and were found throughout the water. Also, two different types of Rotifers were detected throughout the aquarium. Some were found dead while others were newly born. With an increase of movement, the atmosphere appeared much more busy compared to last week. However, plants A & B showed little difference. More observations will continue to be taken within the next two weeks.  

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